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[E] triggercrazy [1]
[E] triggercrazy [1]
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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UR a good guy it takes a man to admit his wrong doings and for that i will donate 20$ to this server tommorow : ) thank u and good night
over 13 years ago
I know u wont reply but look really close in the hawkeye screen shot>>>> what do u see< It says 55 coal ........... for every name in the screen shot there was not 3 stacks of 55 coal or 3 stacks or yellow dye so it did make a mistake it says we all stole the exact same thing and i only put one pick in the chest it says 3 where stolen that where diamond so i hate to say it but hawkeye does make mistakes my i plz be unbann i am wright isoccer ; )
over 13 years ago
it did make a mistake isoccer ,let me prove it some how.
over 13 years ago
LOL thats what i put in man the diamond pick it was like dead it had a black line lol ill sho wif u un ban me ill show u all my chests and what i had on me
over 13 years ago
Isoccer there is no way i stole any think i swear on my familys grave i put 2 diamond and a diamond helmet in and took nothing why would i want that isoccer u must have made a mistake i took nothing from that chest , and the chat said go to /warp example town is there a way to check exactly what i did in that time frame because i took nothing i put diamond in 2 pieces
over 13 years ago